Caps & Balaclavas

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NEO .5 Beanie

Beanie made forma very elastic thin neoprene to keep you covered on or off the water.


+ 0.5 mm elastic neoprene provides a good insulation layer and a very slim fit.

+ Comes over the ears for extra protection.

+ Lower pannels are doubled up for extra warmth.

+ Thanks to the looser cut, and unique pattern this neoprene beanie is here to keep you warm whether you are on or off the water.

22,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

SLIM.5 Haube

A slim fitting neoprene skull cap when you need a little extra warmth.


+ 0.5 mm elastic enoprene provides a good insulation layer an a very slim fit.

+ Comes over the ears for extra protection.

+ Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort.

28,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,


A fitted waterproof Lars Fleece cap with a bill to keep your head warm in cold and freezing conditions.


+ Comes over the ears and with a bill for extra protection.

+ Great for watersports when extra protection is needed.

+ Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort when worn udner a helmet.

+ Made with a rear sinch to keep it well in place.

+ Made form an extremely elastic, hypoallergenic fleece. The outside is PU coated creating a cap that is warm and waterproof.

32,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

LARS Haube

A fitted waterproof Lars Fleece cap to keep your head warm in cold and freezing conditions.


+ Comes over the ears for extra protection.

+ Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort.

+ Made form an extremely elastic, hypoallergenic fleece. The outside is PU coated creating a cap that is warm and waterproof.

22,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

LARS Headband

When you need a little extra protection agains the wind or water.


Comes over the ears for protection from wind, rains or splashes.

Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort.

Made form an extremely elastic, hypoallergenic fleece. The outside is PU coated creating a cap that is warm and waterproof.

15,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

NEO 1.5 Haube

A fitted e.prene cap to keep you warm no matter what the conditions.


+ 1.5 mm enoprene is slim fitting and fits well under a helmet.

+ Comes over the ears for extra protection.

+ Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort.

20,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

NEO 3.0 Haube

A fitted neoprene cap to keep you warm in freezing conditions.


+ 3.0 mm enoprene provides significant thermal protection in a fitted cut.

+ Comes over the ears for extra protection.

+ Flat seam construction to avoid pressure points and discomfort.

22,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

LARS Balaclava

Anatomicaly shaped hood made from waterproof Lars Fleece to keep your head warm in cold and freezing conditions.


+ Anatomicaly shaped hood prerfectly contours the head, chin and neck to create a perfect shield agains the cold.

+ Flat seam construction increases comfort, eliminates pressure points as well as creates a better seal against water.

+ Can be used alone or under a helmet.

30,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

NEO 4.0 Balaclava

Anatomicaly shaped hood made from 4mm neoprenes is made to keep your head warm in the coldest conditions.


+ Anatomicaly shaped hood prerfectly contours the head, chin and neck to create a perfect shield agains the cold.

+ Seamless construction around the face increases comfort as well as creates a better seal against water.

+ Can be used alone or with a helmet.

46,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,

SLIM.5 Balaclava

Anatomicaly shaped hood made from waterproof slim 0.5mm neoprene to keep your head warm in colder conditions.


+ Anatomicaly shaped hood prerfectly contours the head, chin and neck to create a perfect shield agains the cold.

+ Flat seam construction increases comfort, eliminates pressure points as well as creates a better seal against water.

+ Can be used alone or under a helmet, and thanks to the high flexibility of the thin neoprene can be pulled back and comfortably worn aoround the neck.

36,00 €

  • bestellbar / ist lagernd / Abholung oder zeitnaher Versand nach Absprache möglich
  • easykanu GUMOTEX Vertrieb exklusiv für Österreich / regelmäßiger Shuttledienst CZ-AT / Zentrallager in Wien

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:

HIKO Sports s.r.o., Prijezdni 261, 252 02 Jiloviste – Tschechien,